@Guest: Hi Guest, may I ask for your name? I think it's less awkward if I call you by your real name. I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Tricia. Even though I may not be studying in PLMGS (Secondary) anymore, I'm still considered a PL Lite as my parents have already paid the school fees for the whole year. Because of this, I have the right to defend any class in PLMGS (Secondary).
Since you posted on 2-2's blog, your tag 'Fckers , losers' applies to every single one in 2-2. I am sure that one is not able to hang out with 40 people at a time. So if one can't do that, means that one would only be familiar with a group of maybe say, 7 people. I believe that you can only call a person 'fckers' and 'losers' if you know their character/personality really well, which makes you say her/their 'fckers' and 'losers'. However, because one is not able to get close to all 40 people in 2-2 and your tag applies to all of us, you have NO RIGHT to call us 'fckers' or 'losers'. And I thinkbelieve the real loser is you.
Here's the meaning of 'loser', in case you have forgotten every thing you have learned in school. (Or do you not go to school?) (I have only posted the most relevant meaning so that this post won't get too long.)
One that is bad in quality
In case you can't remember the meaning of 'quality', here it is:
A personality or character trait: kindness is one of her many good qualities.
cr: dictionary.com
According to your tag, 'Fckers , losers', I can state that your personality is not good, or should I say, bad. A 'loser' is 'One that is bad in quality' and because your personality is not good/bad, you're the real loser here. Also, if you can tag 'Fckers , losers', why don't you have the guts to post it with you name? Or are you such a coward that you're afraid someone will come to your house to catch you? Next time, if you really wanna tag bad stuff on other people's blog, why not post it with your name so you wouldn't be embarrassed by being called a coward and show that you're brave enough.
If you have any questions (maybe thanks to your lack of intellect), feel free to post, with your name. Unless you're too cowardly to do so.
Phew, finally finished writing the essay. xD Good thing I wanted to take a break from all the online Math exercise I did. I'm doing Algebra now. I keep getting the second page wrong. Argh. Fortunately, my friend was able to help me. I repaid his help by teaching him simultaneous equations which, I have to admit, I rock at. =P
You should thank me A LOT, Gillian. I'm like starving cos my Mum's not back with my dinner and I'm still using my brain even though it's like, dead now.
Anyways, I wonder why there are so many people with so much time on their hands. I had to sleep at 1am yesterday cos I had to complete a f*cking Chinese essay. I hate Chinese, I mean who doesn't. Anyways, the school I'm attending now has changed me. Since the students in my school say the 'F' word and point their middle fingers like it's not a bad thing, I have begun to curse, a lot. Plus the book I just read, Gossip Girl, it had like 30 plus 'F' words in the whole 200+ page book so I'm kinda immune to that word now.
I just did cross-country, again, and I improve my timing! Again!
The first time I did it, I got 18min something.
The second time I did it, I got 15min something.
The third time I did it, which was 2 days ago, I got 14min 15 secs! =D